Indiana Constitutional Carry

If you are not aware, the Indiana Joint Committee on Judiciary and Public Policy has begun a summer study on constitutional carry. What is “constitutional carry?” It is a return to governance in accord with the Indiana and US Constitutions.

Sec 32 of the Indiana Constitution provides “The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State.” If the legislation is passed in the Indiana general assembly, recognizing the plain meaning of our state constitution, the requirement for law-abiding adults to obtain a permit in order to lawfully carry would be eliminated. The current permitting system would be optional for those who desire to obtain a permit for the purposes of carry in other states that recognize an Indiana license to carry a handgun.

Please keep in mind that constitutional carry would not change the definition of who a proper person is in terms of who can legally possess a firearm. Constitutional carry would eliminate the requirement that law-abiding citizens ask permission from the state, have a background check, and pay a fee to exercise a constitutional right. Although I may be subject to confirmation bias, I watched the first hearing on August 22nd and would say that Representative Lucas and Guy Relford, amongst others, did an exceptional job advocating for constitutional carry. The hearing was approximately 5 hours long and presented a picture that was clear that constitutional carry legislation should be supported.

Look out for more information in the coming days regarding the issue. If you have an interest in attending or watching the next study hearing, you can find more information here:…/…/committees/judiciary_and_public_policy

or here:…/indiana-summer-study-on-constituti…

Also, I would suggest following Representative Lucas and Attorney Guy Relford:…/

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