Javier Milei Speech to World Economic Forum (WEF)


The conversation discusses the threat to the Western world posed by the abandonment of free market capitalism and the embrace of collectivist ideologies. It highlights the power of free market capitalism in generating wealth and lifting people out of poverty. The moral superiority of capitalism is emphasized, as well as the prosperity and freedom it brings to countries that embrace it. The conversation also delves into the flaws of neoclassical economic theory and the co-opting of Western society by socialist ideologies. The Argentine experience serves as a warning of the consequences of abandoning the model of freedom. The conversation concludes with a message to entrepreneurs to continue their contributions to prosperity and to resist the encroachment of the state.
  • Free market capitalism is a powerful tool for generating wealth and lifting people out of poverty.
  • Capitalism is morally superior to collectivist ideologies.
  • Countries that embrace economic freedom and respect property rights experience greater prosperity and longer life expectancy.
  • Neoclassical economic theory undermines the foundations of capitalism and opens the door to socialism.
  • The Western world is at risk due to the embrace of collectivist ideologies.
  • The Argentine experience serves as a warning of the consequences of abandoning free market capitalism.
  • Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in creating prosperity and should resist the encroachment of the state.
00:00 Introduction: The Threat to the Western World
01:16 The Power of Free Market Capitalism
05:15 The Moral Superiority of Capitalism
08:03 The Prosperity of the Free World
08:31 Defining Libertarianism
10:23 The Endangerment of the West
11:35 The Flaws of Neoclassical Economic Theory
14:00 The Myth of Market Failure
16:39 The Co-opting of Western Society
18:28 The Western Embrace of Socialism
20:27 The Argentine Experience
21:42 Message to Entrepreneurs
22:54 Conclusion: Long Live Freedom

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