“War Guilt in the Middle East” (Murray Rothbard on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict)

Between October 7, 2023 and January 16, 2024, there were approximately 24,285 Palestinian casualties as a result of the war in Gaza. That number includes nearly 8,000 children.



This is insane, and government continues to perpetuate the cycle of violence. Hamas was wrong to attack on October 7, 2023. That does not justify killing thousands of innocent civilians.


As far as a solution for the US, I think non-intervention is the only acceptable approach. As for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I tend to agree with Murray Rothbard in his article, “War Guilt in the Middle East,” written in 1967. He says:


“Israel, therefore, faces a long-run dilemma which she must someday meet. Either to continue on her present course and, after years of mutual hostility and conflict be overthrown by Arab people’s guerrilla war. Or – to change direction drastically, to cut herself loose completely from Western imperial ties, and become simply Jewish citizens of the Middle East. If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region. There is ample precedent for this peaceful coexistence. For in the centuries before 19th- and 20th-century Western imperialism, Jew and Arab had always lived well and peacefully together in the Middle East. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part – in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.”


You can read the entirety of the article at the following links:






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