Episode 22. Vices Are Not Crimes by Lysander Spooner

Show Notes:


Episode 22. Vices Are Not Crimes


In this episode, Alex Ooley discusses the work of Lysander Spooner, “Vices Are Not Crimes:  A Vindication of Moral Liberty.”










Episode 10 re Jury Nullification:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpcWLp46Beg


Spooner re Jury Nullification:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55a3c833e4b07c31913e6eae/t/55a51f4fe4b0db2c664c6d6b/1436884815820/An+Essay+on+the+Trial+by+Jury.pdf


Works by Lysander Spooner:  http://www.lysanderspooner.org/works


The Unconstitutionality of Slaveryhttps://www.amazon.com/Unconstitutionality-Slavery-Annotated-Lysander-Spooner/dp/1729018831


No Treason: The Constitution of No Authorityhttps://www.amazon.com/No-Treason-Constitution-Authority/dp/1979293074


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