ACLDN Interview: Gun Curious with Dr. David Yamane



Dr. David Yamane, the author of Gun Curious, discusses the divide between gun owners and gun skeptics, the role of guns in society, and the importance of understanding and empathy. He shares his personal journey as a liberal university professor and gun owner, addressing the challenges and misconceptions surrounding gun culture. The conversation emphasizes the need for respectful dialogue and the exploration of shared goals and understanding.



00:00 Understanding Gun Culture and Gun Skeptics

05:57 The Liberal Professor and Gun Owner: A Personal Journey

08:18 Challenges and Misconceptions in Gun Culture

11:59 Navigating the Publishing Journey and Overcoming Rejection

24:23 Promoting Understanding and Empathy in Gun Culture

29:12 Exploring Liberal and Conservative Perspectives on Gun Ownership

32:01 The Power of Respectful Dialogue and Shared Goals



  • The divide between gun owners and gun skeptics highlights the need for understanding and empathy.
  • Dr. Yamane’s personal journey as a liberal university professor and gun owner sheds light on the challenges and misconceptions surrounding gun culture.
  • Respectful dialogue and the exploration of shared goals are essential for bridging the gap between different perspectives on gun ownership and societal impact.



gun culture, gun ownership, liberal perspective, societal impact, empathy, understanding, respectful dialogue, shared goals

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