Ron Paul: Gun Control Debate Ignores the Real Problems

In an article at, Ron Paul says the following about gun control:


The gun control debate ignores the root causes of rising violence, which is a symptom of the decline of traditional morality that respected every individual’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and property. This traditional morality has been replaced with a nihilistic philosophy that denies moral law and natural rights. Instead, it justifies doing whatever one feels is necessary to achieve one’s goals…
While government can undermine morality, it cannot promote virtue. Any attempt to use government power to “make people good” will inevitably result in tyranny. It will also lead to a less virtuous population. Instead, those seeking to replace the nihilism with a philosophy that recognizes that all humans are born with inalienable rights should work to restore limited constitutional government that does not attempt to provide for the people’s material or spiritual needs.
He is correct, of course, and the problem is that conservatives fail to recognize the second part of this problem, i.e., that government cannot promote virtue.
You can see the entire original article here:

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