Tag Archives: selfownership

Episode 9. What is the Second Amendment?

Show Notes: Episode 9. The Forge of Freedom – What is the Second Amendment? In this episode, Alex Ooley discusses the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and the

Episode 8. What is Civil Asset Forfeiture?

Show Notes: Episode 8. The Forge of Freedom – What is Civil Asset Forfeiture? In this episode of the Forge of Freedom podcast, host Alex Ooley discusses the topic of

Episode 7. What is the Presumption of Innocence?

Show Notes: Episode 7. The Forge of Freedom – What is the Presumption of Innocence? In this episode, Alex Ooley discusses the “The Presumption of Innocence” or the notion that

Episode 6. What is Qualified Immunity?

Show Notes: Episode 6. The Forge of Freedom – What is Qualified Immunity? In this episode, Alex Ooley discusses the doctrine of “Qualified Immunity” and the problems it creates for

Episode 3. The War on Drugs

    Show Notes:   The Drug War’s Assault on Liberty Lance Lamberton https://fee.org/articles/the-drug-wars-assault-on-liberty/     Johann Hari Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong