Episode 81. Drug Decriminalization and Oregon Measure 110

Show Notes:

Episode 81. Drug Decriminalization and Oregon Measure 110

In this episode, Alex Ooley discusses some common critiques of drug decriminalization and legalization as well as some recent news on Oregon Measure 110, which decriminalized drugs.


The conversation discusses the criticism and defense of drug decriminalization in Oregon. It highlights the misleading claims and propaganda used by critics to create fear. The inaccurate statistics and fear-mongering are debunked, and the focus shifts to the government’s control and the loss of freedom. The discussion explores the shift from criminalization to the true shortcomings of Measure 110. The failure of the war on drugs is examined, along with the impact of legalization versus decriminalization. The cost of the war on drugs, loss of liberties, and police misuse are addressed. The conversation concludes by emphasizing the need for full legalization and the moral principle of self-ownership.


Critics of drug decriminalization often use misleading claims and propaganda to create fear.

The war on drugs has been a failure, costing trillions of taxpayer dollars and leading to increased crime and death.

Legalization, rather than decriminalization, is necessary to eliminate the black market and ensure safer, regulated drugs.

The government’s control over personal choices and the loss of individual freedom are concerning aspects of drug policy.


00:00 Introduction and Criticism of Drug Decriminalization

02:02 Misleading Claims and Propaganda

03:04 Inaccurate Statistics and Fear-Mongering

04:10 Government Control and Loss of Freedom

05:27 Shift from Criminalization to Rehab Industrial Complex

06:28 Shortcomings of Measure 110

07:28 The Failure of the War on Drugs

08:55 The Impact of Legalization vs Decriminalization

10:51 The Cost of the War on Drugs

12:06 Loss of Liberties and Police Misuse

13:42 Critics’ Ignorance of Failed Policies

16:48 Attributing Increases to Measure 110

18:16 Portugal’s Success and Oregon’s Room for Improvement

20:44 The Need for Full Legalization

21:18 The Moral Principle of Self-Ownership

23:06 The Overreach of Government

23:58 Conclusion and Call for Freedom


Jesse Watters: ‘I’m not buying this libertarian mumbo-jumbo’ on Oregon state drug decriminalization – YouTube


Ending the War on Drugs: By the Numbers – Center for American Progress


Oregon’s Drug Decriminalization Needs to Go Further | Cato at Liberty Blog


Fentanyl-Involved Overdoses Soared From 2016 to 2021, Study Shows | Healthiest Communities Health News | U.S. News


OHA 2479 Opioid Overdose in Oregon – le2479_22.pdf


The U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars fighting war on drugs


How Much of Your Money Is Wasted in the War on Drugs – Open Society Foundations


Economics of Drug Policy and the Drug War | Drug Policy Facts


Drug Prohibition WP by Miron & Waldock_2011 update_PaMaster.qxd – DrugProhibitionWP.pdf


Jul-11-23-Drug-War-Flowchart.jpeg (JPEG Image, 939 × 1200 pixels) — Scaled (65%)


Freedom’s Greatest Hour of Danger Is Now – The Future of Freedom Foundation


The Silly and Harmful Drug War | International Liberty


Lessons from Portugal about Ending the Drug War | International Liberty


drug war | Search Results | International Liberty


Wise Words on the Drug War from John Stossel | International Liberty


The Drug War Is a Failure | International Liberty


Reassessing the War on Drugs | International Liberty















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